Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Start - Sistine Chapel

I have just begun a major project which will take YEARS to finish, but I am excited to finally get started on it.  I have only worked 10 hours on it, but it has been enjoyable so far.  I am stitching it on 25 ct mushroom lugana, and I am tenting 1x1.  Not much to look at yet, but it's a start!

Lady of the Flag Update

Here is my progress on Lady of the Flag by Lavendar & Lace.  I have worked 40 hours on it so far, and I love it.  I especially love all the beading on it, which is something I never thought I would enjoy, but it just makes it pop!  This is one I wouldn't mind working on exclusively just to get it finished, and once I have my rotation in place like I want it, I may do that.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

HAED Mini The Toy Box

Here is the beginning of my work on Mini The Toy Box.  It is 10.5 hours of stitching time, and it is being done on 25 ct blue lugana.  I am also tenting for the first time, so it is 2x1, and so far I am really enjoying it.  It definitely moves along faster by doing the tent method, so I think I am going to start a few other HAEDs in this way too.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Peaceful Garden Update

I finished working on my 10 hour rotation of Peaceful Garden a couple of days ago but haven't had the chance to upload a pic until now.  I went a bit over my normal 10 hours and worked 14.75 hours, so my total hours to date are 69.75 hours.  I finally got all the borders done, so I feel like I have really accomplished something now.  Now all I have to do is fill in the dozens of little holes!

Friday, October 26, 2012

New Start - Unicorn Love

This is a HAED chart called Unicorn Love.  My daughter picked it out several years ago because she has always loved unicorns.  It's been in my stash, and I had totally forgotten I even had it until I started lookng through all my charts a while back.  I decided to get it out and start on it, and this is my progress so far.  It is only 10 hours of work, and it is very confetti heavy!!  I started it on 28 count, 1 x 1, and it was just too difficult for me to work on.  So I started over again on 18 count, 2 x 1, and it is going much, much better.  At first I didn't think I was going to enjoy it, but once I got into a groove, I didn't want to put it down after the 10 hours.  I look forward to working on it again, but with all my new starts, in addition to all the ones I already have on the go, who knows when I will get back to it again.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Current Rotation

I normally work on a rotation when I cross stitch, and I usually work 10 hours on each piece before moving on to the next.  Recently, I started adding a few HAEDs to my rotation, so it has gotten a bit off track, but I still try to follow the 10 hour rule.

Here is what I have going right now.

Sunshine & Shadows by Barbara & Cheryl
Started sometime in 2000 and have stitched 59.50 hours on it (I should probably note that the 59.50 hours is only my hours stitched; my ex-husband started this one for me, and I love it so much that I want to eventually finish it myself)

Flower Power by Crossed Wing Collection
Started sometime in 2003 and have stitched 66 hours on it

Peaceful Garden by Moira Blackburn
Started on 1/1/2005 and have stitched 45 hours on it

Lady of the Flag by Lavender & Lace
Started on 1/1/2007 and have stitched 30 hours on it

Mystery X by Chatelaine
Started on 1/1/2007 and have stitched 16.50 hours on it (I will likely start this one over at some point, now that the full chart is out. Working on this chart from the middle outwards has been very difficult for me; it isn't my normal way of stitching)

January Quilt by Paula Vaughan
Started on 1/1/2007 and have stitched 21.50 hours on it

Wedding Sampler by Teresa Wentzler
Started on 1/1/2007 and have stitched 20 hours on it (I can't seem to find this one anywhere, so it must have gotten lost in a previous move; if I can't find it I will retire it, and since it was a kit, I will not likely start it again)

Possession by HAED
Started on 9/3/2012 and have stitched 11 hours on it

QS Beloved One by HAED
Started on 9/22/2012 and have stitched 10 hours on it

Bear Much Fruit

So far this is my only finish in 2012.  I started working on it nine years ago, put it up for a few years, then got it back out a month or so ago and finally finished it!  Nothing like persistence, right?

It is called Bear Much Fruit, and it is by Jeremiah Junction.  If I remember correctly, it is stitched on 16 count Quaker cloth.  The material is very, very soft and easy to work with.  The only thing I didn't like about it was all the backstitching, but that's never been a favorite thing of mine to do.

Cross Stitch Pic 2008

Only one in 2008, and it was a lonely bookmark.  Guess I finished all my small ones in 2007 so that left nothing to finish in 2008?

Cross Stitch Pics 2007

I did a bit better in 2007.  I finished several, both small ones and a couple of semi-large ones. 

Cross Stitch Pics 2006

Looks like 2006 was not a very productive year for me.  I had two whole finishes, and they were both small!

Cross Stitch Pics 2005

These are all the ones I finished in 2005.  I am not the fastest stitcher around and sometimes I take long breaks in between, so I'm not one to finish a lot of charts at any given time.

Cross Stitch Pics 2000 - 2004

Here are the rest of my pics before the time I started keeping track of when I finished things.  All of these were done sometime before 2005.

Cross Stitch Pics Circa 1990-1999

This is just a guestimate on when I think I did all of these.  I am trying to relate it to something that was going on in my life at the time, so it's kind of a hit or miss on when I actuall stitched them.  The fact that I still have them is a small miracle to me!

Cross Stitch Pics Circa 1985-1989

Here are a few other pieces I did somewhere between 1985 and 1989.  I did more than this, but they were given away before I took pictures of them.